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U.S Census: Economic Data

Includes the Economic Census

  • Every five years (2002, 2007, 2012, etc.) for every industry.
  • Statistics for U.S., states, metro areas, counties, and cities.

Search by Census by Year: 


Economic Indicators

  • Monthly and quarterly for selected sectors
  • National statistics only



Other Economic Programs:

The U.S. government's official web portal

Click here for Business Data and Statistics


Country Statistics and Market Data Analytics from MarketLine



Country Statistics

  • Provides macro/socio-economic and demographic data for 215 countries worldwide; both historically and forecasted.

Market Data Analytics

  • Includes comprehensive data across the global food, drinks, personal care, household products, pet care, news and magazine, and tobacco markets.

International Monetary Fund

The International Monetary Fund makes a good deal of statistical information available for free on its website.

The IMF publishes a range of time series data on IMF lending, exchange rates and other economic and financial indicators. Manuals, guides, and other material on statistical practices at the IMF, in member countries, and of the statistical community at large are also available.


We do not have a subscription to the IMF, so if you reach a place where you are asked for a username and password, you have gone beyond what you have access to. However there is a great deal of free information and tools.


The OECD also makes a great deal of statistical information available for free on its website. 

It has a Statistical Portal which has downloadable data. 

There is also a Data Portal (currently in BETA) where you can find, compare and share the latest OECD data:
charts, maps, tables and related publications

We do not have a subscription to any OECD database so if you are asked for a username and password, you have gone beyond what you have access to. However there is a great deal of free information and tools.



Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.

World Bank: Data

World Bank: Data

The World Bank's Open Data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to World Bank data. The data catalog is a listing of available World Bank data sources. This listing will continue to be updated as additional data resources are added. These resources include databases, pre-formatted tables and reports. Each of the listings includes a description of the data source and a direct link to that source. Where possible, the databases are linked directly to a selection screen to allow users to select the countries, indicators, and years they would like to search. Those search results can be exported in different formats. Users can also choose to download the entire database directly from the catalog.


This includes such popular titles as World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance, African Development Indicators, Millennium Development Indicators, Global Economic Monitor and many others



NationMaster is "a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD.



UNdata is a data access system to UN databases containing information on "Agriculture, Crime, Education, Employment, Energy, Environment, Health, HIV/AIDS, Human Development, Industry, Information and Communication Technology, National Accounts, Population, Refugees, Tourism, Trade, as well as the Millennium Development Goals indicators."