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La Salle University

Connelly Library

  • Digital commons

    The Connelly Library is transitioning from Digital Commons to a new institutional repository. There will be a period of time during which access is not available, beginning Monday 10/21/2024. Please reach out to with any questions.

Information Literacy

IL Competencies

Information Literacy Framework

The ACRL Framework is organized into six frames, each consisting of a concept/standard essential to the information literacy process. The concepts or frames are listed below in alphabetical order.

The Six(6)Frames:

  1. Authority is Constructed and Contextual       
  2. Information Creation as a Process
  3. Information Has Value
  4. Research as Inquiry  
  5. Scholarship as Conversation
  6. Searching as Strategic Exploration

The graphic below is a user-friendly translation of the six frames. Puzzle pieces are used to restate the function of each frame and to demonstrate the interconnection between the concepts in the information literacy process. The puzzle pieces also provides a step-by-step approach for conducting college-level research. 

Step-by-Step: Rewording/Reformatting the 6 Frames

  1. State/Identify what is needed (Research as Inquiry)
  2. Choose/Select resources (Information Creation as a Process)
  3. Search available resources (Searching as Strategic Exploration)
  4. Evaluate materials within the resources (Authority is Constructed and Contextual)
  5. Synthesize the materials to solve problem or create a product (Scholarship as Conversation)
  6. Cite what is used (Research has Value)


Information Literacy and Middle States

How It All Fits Together



Teaching Components

Teaching and Learning Competencies:

  • Develop a Topic/State what is needed
  • Select resources/What resources are you going to use?
  • Search resources/Develop a strategy to locate materials
  • Evaluate the findings
  • Synthesize materials into a product (i.e., research paper, presentation, etc.)
  • Cite resources used/Address ethical issues ( i.e., plagiarism, copyright, etc.)