The Connelly Library is transitioning from Digital Commons to a new institutional repository. There will be a period of time during which access is not available, beginning Monday 10/21/2024. Please reach out to with any questions.
Remember that Academic Source Complete is NOT a completely full text database, Therefore you may need to use the LibKey to find articles available through La Salle or order articles from other libraries via Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Get help using the EBSCOHost databases (including Education Source)
Remember that Education Source is NOT a completely full text database, Therefore you may need to use the LibKey to find articles available through La Salle or order articles from other libraries via Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
EJ=Journals in ERIC
ERIC indexes education journals, the majority of which are peer-reviewed. Journal records typically include bibliographic data (author, title, date, journal citation, publisher) and an abstract, or short description of the work. A small number of journal publishers also make the full text of an article available at no cost directly through this Web site. The majority of journal articles need to be obtained through library print and electronic holdings or directly from the publisher.
ED=Documents in ERIC
In addition to the journal literature, ERIC indexes education-related materials from scholarly organizations, professional associations, research centers, policy organizations, university presses, the U.S. Department of Education and other federal agencies, and state and local agencies. Individual contributors submit conference papers, research papers, dissertations, and theses.
Remember that ERIC is NOT a completely full text database, Therefore you may need to use the LibKey to find articles available through La Salle or order articles from other libraries via Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Check this playlist for help in using PsycInfo (please note that there are databases we do not subscribe to mentioned on this playlist)
Remember that PsycInfo is NOT a full text database, although it may link to full text from other EBSCOhost databases. Therefore you need to use the LibKey to find articles available through La Salle or order articles from other libraries via Interlibrary Loan (ILL)