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La Salle University

Connelly Library


Borrow from Connelly Library

Borrower Information

Who can borrow?

  • Students
  • Faculty/staff
  • Alumni

How can you borrow?

  • Present a current La Salle University ID or Borrower’s Card at the Public Services Desk

What are you responsible for?

  • Renewing items at least one day before the day they are due. 
  • Returning items by their due date.
  • Promptly notifying the Public Services Desk of a lost ID or borrower’s card and any change in your contact information.
  • Providing full payment of fines and fees owed.

Your Library Record

To view material currently checked out on your account:

Contacting the Public Services Department

Inquiries about borrowing/borrowed library material should be directed to:

Public Services Department

Phone: 215-991-3791


Borrower Information Table



  Book Loan Period

AV Loan Period

 Checkout  Limit



28 days (2 Renewals)

 7 days (1  renewal)

 200 items

 Must be registered. Must present La Salle ID card.

 Graduate Students 

Due at the end of the current  semester/ session

 7 days (1  renewal)

 200 items

 Must be registered. Must present La Salle ID card.

 Faculty /  Administration

Due at the end of the current semester/ session

 7 days (1  renewal)

 200 items

 Must be currently employed by La Salle. Must present La Salle ID card.


28 days (2 Renewals)

 7 days (1  renewal)

 200 items

 Must be currently employed by La Salle. Must present La Salle ID card.

 Graduate  Assistants

Due at the end of the current semester/session

 7 days (1  renewal)

 200 items

 Must be registered. Must present La Salle I.D. card.


21 days (2 Renewals)

 Not Eligible

 3 items

 Valid Photo ID.

 Area Residents

21 days (2 Renewals)

 Not Eligible

 3 items

Valid Photo ID.

 High School  Students

21 days (2 Renewals)

 Not Eligible

 3 items

 Valid Photo ID..

Borrowing Books

General Guidelines

  • The library’s circulating collection is located on the 1st Floor, 2nd Floor, 3rd Floor, and the 3rd Floor Mezzanine.
  • Class materials kept on Course Reserve may be found and checked out at the Public Services Desk on the 1st Floor.
  • Reference books, annual reports, magazines, newspapers, bound periodicals, and microform cannot be checked out and do not leave the library.
  • All library material must be properly checked-out prior to exiting the library. All books, bags, briefcases, and other hand-carried items are subject to inspection.
  • Any item may be recalled, and renewals may be unavailable, if a hold has been placed by another patron.

Faculty Borrowing Information

  • Faculty may check out books for an entire semester and borrow DVDs for extended periods. Faculty do not incur library fines upon returning overdue library material.
  • Faculty may also allow students in their class to check out material on their behalf by completing a Proxy Borrower Form. The form must be filled out and signed by both the faculty member allowing the privileges as well as the student being assigned the privileges. Material checked out by a proxy is subject to the same replacement charges as material checked out by the faculty member should it not be returned. 

Borrowing Audiovisual Items


  • DVDs and VHS tapes are located on the lower level. All material must be checked out at the Circulation Desk. 
  • Faculty who want students to pick up videos on their behalf must fill out a Proxy Borrower Form.
  • Audio-Visual materials are checked-out for seven days, and patrons can check out up to seven films at one time.


  • Return A/V materials to the Circulation Desk. Please do not place A/V materials in the book drop, where they can be easily damaged. If you discover that a video is damaged, please alert library staff when you return it. Patrons will be responsible for damage that is not reported.
  • Please check that all DVDs are in their cases before returning them. If a case is returned with DVDs missing, the DVDs will remain on your account until they are returned and late fines may be assessed.  

Renewing Library Material

About Renewing Materials

  • You can renew library books and videos either in person or online. In order to renew online, you must renew items no later than one day before the due date.
  • Overdue material must be renewed in person at the Public Services Desk.
  • You will be unable to renew material if you have a block on your record (fines in excess of $30, long overdue items, etc.).
  • There is a limit of two renewals for most material.
  • Items that have been recalled or put on hold for other patrons cannot be renewed.
  • A/V material can only be renewed once through the online system.
  • Reserve materials cannot be renewed online.
  • Requests for renewal of interlibrary loan materials must be made through the ILL Department (215-951-1652).

How to Renew Online

Items will not renew online on or after the due date stamped on the item. If you wait until the due date to renew, you must bring the material in to the Library for renewal.

  1. Visit the Holds & Checkouts page
  2. Enter your name and the bar code from your ID or borrowers card.
  3. You should be taken directly to a current list of “Items Checked Out.”
  4. Select “Renew All” or you may select specific items by checking the box in the review column that appears to the left of each item and then select “Renew Selected Items.”

Overdue Fines and Fees

Fee Schedule

  • Reserve Items: Assessed at $1/hour for two hour check-outs, and at $5/day for overnight items.
  • Interlibrary Loan Items: Assessed at $5/day.
  • Special Collection Items: Assessed at $1/hour for two hour check-outs, and at $5/day for overnight items.

Excessive Lateness

  • A balance of $30 or more suspends your borrowing privileges. The balance must be brought below $30 to reinstate your account.
  • A book that is 28 days past due is considered excessively late and is inaccessible to other library users. Once a book is 28 days overdue you will be billed for the cost of the book. When you return a book that is 28 or more days overdue, the charge to cover the cost of the book is dropped. 

