A series of videos explaining and demonstrating Evidence-based practice in nursing
Cochrane has a TRAINING HUB, with a user guide, videos and other help
When in Cinahl Complete, click on the Evidence-Based Care Sheets on the top of the Search Screen
National Guidelines Clearinghouse (NGC) is a public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Includes nursing, and therapy, clinical protocols to care for patients based on the world's best current evidence.
A free searchable database. AHRQ systematically and comprehensively translates research findings into better patient care and provides policymakers and other health care leaders with information needed to make critical health care decisions.
A free, Web-based resource of full-text documents that provide health information and support health care decision making. HSTAT's audience includes health care providers, health service researchers, policy makers, payers, consumers and the information professionals who serve these groups.