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Teaching with Technology


What: Diigo is a bookmarking tool that allows you to highlight web pages, add sticky notes, archive, organize by tags and lists, and search and access them from anywhere, anytime. In a sense, Diigo lets you bookmark Web sites and have online conversations about them.
When: Students, research groups, committees, staff groups can all use to create group bookmarks, annotations and use the group forum. Faculty can create class groups quickly and easily so students can share resources and ideas.
Why: Diigo has special educator accounts, also. This allows educators to have special privileges, such as setting privacy accounts so that only select educators, staff and students can communicate. There is limited, targeted educational advertising within this account option, too, so users won't be bombarded.

Additional Resources - Getting Started - Educator Account Guide - Diigo Help resources


What: A virtual pinboard for connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.

When: Use Pinterest virtually anytime you see something you like that you want to remember, share, or even come back to later.

Why: Pinterest is more than just pictures. Its visual bookmarking you tag in your own style, then share with friends.  It’s instant inspiration.  It’s like Flickr meets Twitter meets and more! Pinterest makes it fun and simple to virtually collect the things you love and share them with the world. Creating your personal brand has never looked this good.

Additional resoruces:

- From search terms to social discovery - 5 Pinterest-like Education Sites