This guide is intended to direct researchers to the Connelly Library's extensive holdings of works by W.D. Ehrhart.
Award winning poet, essayist and memoirist William Daniel Ehrhart is regarded as one of the most prominent Vietnam War veteran poets.
Learn more about W.D. Ehrhart on his personal website
The Department of Special Collections preserves the pre-eminent literary archive of W.D. Ehrhart's writings about the Vietnam War. The Imaginative Representations of the Vietnam War Collection contains several manuscript drafts of Ehrhart's published writing. The Vietnam War Collection also houses archival material related to Ehrhart's work as co-editor of the 1976 anthology, Demilitarized Zones: Veterans after Vietnam, and other small collections of documents related to various publications.
In May of 2013, the Connelly Library acquired the personal papers of W.D. Ehrhart. Find the full inventory and guide below.
The Connelly Library owns a comprehensive collection of W.D. Ehrhart's published works. The majority of titles are maintained in the Imaginative Representations of the Vietnam War Collection in the Department of Special Collections.
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The Imaginative Representations of the Vietnam War Collection is the largest collection of literary and creative works on the Vietnam War in the world; comprising over 20,000 books of fiction and poetry together with more than 1,000 non-print items. Housed in the Department of Special Collections in the Connelly Library, the Vietnam War Collection serves as a growing repository of works concerned with the experience of the Vietnam War. In addition to the extensive holdings of published literature and feature films, the Collection also houses a number of archival collections, literary manuscripts, and original works of art.
For research assistance, please contact Dr. Heather Willever-Farr, Special Collections Librarian, (
Pictured above: "Burn." The "Nam vol. 1, no. 75 (Dec. 1992). Marvel Comics Group : Cover.