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La Salle University

Connelly Library
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Turning Points: 1967-1968

This guide was created as a supplement to the 2017 library exhibit.


About the Exhibit



Historians see 1968 as a watershed year, one that ended an era and started another.  As we approach the 50-year anniversary of that year, and of the shocking, tragic events that occurred, we present this look back at the rising agitation of 1967 and the culmination of rage that erupted in 1968.  Through archival documents, images, literature and objects, we explore the intensity of 1967 and 1968 around the nation and here on campus. This exhibit, co-curated by Sarah Seraphin, Special Collections Librarian and Katie Carey, Interim Head of Archives and Digital Initiatives, features material from the Vietnam War Collection in the Department of Special Collections, and material from the La Salle University Archives.

Background Reading


The Collegian. La Salle student newspaper.  1967 April 21.

The Collegian. La Salle student newspaper.  1967 April 21.
