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La Salle University

Connelly Library

PICO from PubMed

Searching in PubMed (La Salle Library links)

PubMed (La Salle Library links)

Now open another browser window and go to:

Although PubMed is freely available, ALWAYS enter it through the Connelly Library homepage - otherwise you will not get access to our subscribed journals, nor will you be able to submit an ILL for articles we do not have.  The URL for our link is:  - notice that you must see this ending:?otool=paconlib for the link to be the La Salle University link.  If you go directly to PubMed and not through the Connelly Library, you must check each article against our holdings by yourself and if we do not have the article, you must fill out an ILL form by yourself.  If you use the Connelly Library Link, that work is done for you!

Copy and Paste the PubMed ID number
