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Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Locating Articles in PubMed


Remember to use  PUBMED FROM CONNELLY  to take advantage of Connelly library links to journals, ILL etc. Read more about PubMed from Connelly here


When searching for Qualitative studies in PubMed you can use the controlled MeSH terms. Use the Advanced Search, change the field to MeSH terms and enter the phrase qualitative resesearch

Finding Quantitative studies is a bit different.  You must run your search and then apply limits by clicking on the Customize link under Article Types. There are many different types of quantitative studies.  You can choose as many as you want - or as few. They are listed below.  After you choose the types you want, click Show.  Then the types show up in the Article Type field and you can click on them to filter out the types you want

When you click Show the Article Types show up on the left hand side.  Click the ones you want to filter out the correct type of article